K+S epsoTOP®

K+S epsoTOP® is a fast-acting foliar fertilizer with magnesium and sulfur:

  • Fully soluble in water
  • Meets peak nutritional needs during all growth stages
  • Suitable for various crops, such as cereals, canola, sugar beets, and potatoes
  • Very high efficiency through loss-free uptake via the leaves
  • Can be mixed with most crop protection products and liquid fertilizers
  • Applicable in fertigation systems
  • Works independently of soil pH
  • Contains nutrients in sulfate form (Epsom salt)
  • Magnesium promotes root growth
  • Sulfur is essential for protein synthesis and increases nitrogen efficiency
  • Extracted from natural salt deposits in Germany
  • Approved for use in organic farming under Regulations (EU) No. 2018/848 and (EU) No. 2021/1165

Not all packaging sizes are available in every country.


  • 16% MgO, water-soluble magnesium oxide (= 9.6% Mg)
  • 32.5% SO3, water-soluble sulfur trioxide (= 13% S)

Available per:

Bag (25 kg)

These images are non-binding and for illustrative purposes only.

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